Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
AFE Dept of Accounting, Finance and Economics
Agric-Academic [no description available]
AHPFCP [no description available]
AMS [no description available]
Appliedstats [no description available]
Astroexgalgroup [no description available]
Astrofellows [no description available]
Astrolmgroup [no description available]
Astromphys [no description available]
Astronomers [no description available]
Astronumgroup [no description available]
Astroseminars [no description available]
Astrosfgroup [no description available]
Astrostaff [no description available]
Astrostudents [no description available]
Astrovisitors [no description available]
BAND-Academic [no description available]
Bio [no description available]
Bio-Academic [no description available]
Biodet-Staff [no description available]
BS-Academic Business School Academic staff
BS-Admin Business School Admin group
BS-School Business School
BS-Social [no description available]
BS-VL Business School Visiting Lecturers
BSresstudents [no description available]
Capstechadmin [no description available]
Carumba A test mailing list owned by outside owner
CertEX [no description available]
CJC [no description available]
CLASS [no description available]
CoDIR [no description available]
Com-Academic Academic staff in the School of Computer Science
Com-adapsys Adaptive Systems Research Group Mailing List
Com-Adjunct Adjunct staff managed by the Department of Computer Science
Com-Algorithms [no description available]
Com-Bio UH biocomputation research group's e-mailing list
Com-Cybersecurity Cyber Security Centre
Com-Research [no description available]
Com-Researchstudents Research students registered in the Department of Computer Science
Com-Robotics [no description available]
CPB Department of Clinical, Pharmaceutical and Biological Science
Dis-panel UH Disability Advisory Panel
Docmgt [no description available]
ECRO-SIG-CC ECRO SIG Computational Chemosensation
Entreps [no description available]
ET-Researchstudents [no description available]
ETacademic School of Engineering Academic Staff
FormulaStudent [no description available]
FriendsofUH [no description available]
FSPartners [no description available]
FTM1 [no description available]
GEA Geography, Environmental and Agriculture
GEA-Academic Geography, Environmental and Agriculture Academic
GEP-Academic Geography, Environment and Planning Academic Staff
GEP-PhD Geography, Environment and Planning PhD Students
GEP-Staff Geography, Environment and Planning Staff. Academic, admin & tech
GEP-VLs Geography, Environment and Planning Visiting Lecturers
GPI-External Group for Philosophy of Information
GPI-Internal Group for Philosophy of Information-UH members
HBSphdstudents [no description available]
HES Dept of Human and Environmental Sciences
HHSProgTutors [no description available]
HSK [no description available]
Hubq [no description available]
Ihstaff [no description available]
Infdev Infrastrcuture Development
IOS-PhD Institute of Sport PhD students
IOS-Staff Institute of Sport Staff. Academic, admin & tech
IOS-VLs Institute of Sport Visiting Lecturers
Jatest [no description available]
Jj [no description available]
JMCM1 [no description available]
Judya [no description available]
Law-Admin School of Law Admin Staff
Law-School School of Law
LCS [no description available]
Learningtech Learning Technologist
LLB [no description available]
LMS-Admin School of Life and Medical Sciences -Admin
LMS-cdp [no description available]
LMS-School A mailing list of Life and Medical Sciences staff. Academic, Professional, Technical and Emeritii.
LMS-Tech School of Life and Medical Sciences -Technical
Lti [no description available]
LTIC [no description available]
MacLaurin [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
ManagingComplexChange [no description available]
MELMC1 [no description available]
MKE Dept of Marketing and Enerprise
Mlo [no description available]
Mtp [no description available]
Mtp-staff [no description available]
Mtp-students [no description available]
Musq Music Department
Nad-Academic Nutrition & Dietetics
Netdev [no description available]
NHW [no description available]
Optometry Optometry
Pam [no description available]
Pam-academic [no description available]
Pam-ec [no description available]
Pam-Green [no description available]
Pam-juno [no description available]
Pam-mh [no description available]
Pam-pg [no description available]
Pam-research [no description available]
Pam-seg [no description available]
Pam-staff [no description available]
Pam-vl [no description available]
PECSAdmin [no description available]
PECSAll [no description available]
PECSProctors [no description available]
PECSTech [no description available]
PGmed [no description available]
Philos-q Philosophy group discussion list
PPRS Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Science
PSG-Managers Line Managers within Psychology, Sport and Geography
PSG-Staff Psychology, Sport and Geography Staff. Academic, emerita, admin, tech & VLs
Psy-PhD Psychology PhD Students
Psy-Research Old List - Dept of Psychology - Research
Psy-Staff Psychology Staff. Academic, emeriti, admin & tech
Psy-VLs Psychology Visiting Lecturers
Racing [no description available]
Sales [no description available]
SfRdtk Research Data ToolKIt project Stakeholder Forum
Social Staff Social Events [no description available]
Staffq [no description available]
Studentproject [no description available]
Techbiz A list of Technicians in LMS
TechnicalStaff [no description available]
Tigeralert [no description available]
Tigerlog [no description available]
Tvad [no description available]
Uhhpc-users UH High Performance Computing (users only)

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